Wisconsin Students Will Learn Abstinence is Best
-- Citizenlink.org
Truth, by its very nature, divides. It also unites. therefore, Pick your side: unite around truth or unite around lies. | Informing, Equipping & Encouraging the Church towards Unity in Action. | “In the essentials, unity. In the non-essentials, liberty. And in all things, charity.” – Saint Augustine
Despite the weight of evidence that children do best when raised by mothers and fathers who are married, a U.S. District Court judge has struck down as unconstitutional Oklahoma's law that prohibits state officials from recognizing same-sex adoptions from other states and nations. In a 31-page ruling, Judge Robin Cauthron said Oklahoma had denied due process to two women who were raising 7-year-old twin girls born to one of the women, but adopted in New Jersey by the mother's lesbian partner. Oklahoma had passed the law, pursuant to the federal Defense of Marriage Act, to prevent the Sooner State from being forced to abide by the decisions of some states with respect to marriage. The judge ordered the Oklahoma Health Department to issue birth certificates listing the two women as parents of the little girls. This is another example of judicial activism at its worst. This stunning case illustrates once again why we must have a constitutional amendment to prevent activist judges from destroying marriage in America. In all this judicial talk of made-up "rights," where is the natural right of the child to the love and support of a married mother and a father?
"I believe it is appropriate to have an over-representation of factual presentations on how dangerous it is, as a predicate for opening up the audience..."
Lee Strobel, Greg Koukl & Josh McDowell comment on the Da Vinci Code
Creationists or intellegent design theorists are often accused by opponents of injecting faith into science. This article by trueu.org helps explains how Darwinists also employ faith as they reach their own conclusions about how life emerged on planet Earth.
Tom Short scored some free tickets to the Da Vinci Code during opening weekend. After watching what he described to be one of the dullest movies he has ever seen, he offered up a very interesting question:
“I left wondering if Ron Howard might be a stealth Christian who saw how destructive this movie could be if done well and decided to sabotage it.”While I don’t know if it’s true, it is indeed an interesting conjecture.
"There's no question that the film is likely to be upsetting to some people," Howard told reporters. "My advice ... is to not go see the movie if you think you're going to be upset."Sounds like good advice to me.
You have probably heard liberals argue that the Marriage Protection Amendment (MPA), which would define marriage as the union of one man and one woman, would write discrimination into the U.S. Constitution. Don't fall for such rhetoric.
Democratic National Chairman Howard Dean very publicly put his foot in his mouth on The 700 Club when he said the Democratic Party platform recognizes marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Sadly, it doesn't. Dean's comments were soon retracted--as so many of them are.Gay-Activist Group Returns DNC Donation Over Marriage Misstatement
Commments have been moved. Click website title above for the latest information from ThatTheyMayB1.net.
The Religious Left thinks that global warming is about to break-up the Religious Right.
…[Jim] Wallis insists that the Religious Right has been able to win with its "wedge issues" only when it could "control a monologue on the relationship between faith and politics." He wants to deflect evangelical attention away from abortion and homosexuality and towards Global Warming and poverty, focusing on an expanded welfare and regulatory state and reduced U.S. sovereignty in the world.
In a May 1, 2006 FrontPageMagazine.com article, Mark D. Tooley writes:
The recent headline of a Gallup poll was revealing: "Protestants and Frequent Churchgoers Most Supportive of Iraq War; Least supportive are non-Christians and people with no religion." This poll, released last month, gained almost no media attention.[Read more.]
Barna isn’t really researching or uncovering anything with this book. He is doing what any good marketer would do: trying to drum up interest in his idea by declaring that millions, millions, millions! have already seen the light. Barna is not exposing a revolution; he is trying desperately to create one.Read more of this review here.