Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Wisconsin leading the charge – over the cliff

I would rather have the citizens of Wisconsin suffer and learn a hard lesson then the entire nation. So Wisconsin, I say, if you insist, have at it. Fraters Libertas’ sarcasm makes the point well.

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Friday, July 20, 2007

Repeating History: Dancing with the Devil

Some Christians say that theology doesn't apply to real life. Here's a case in point that refutes such naïveté.

All on the left of the American political spectrum – and, unfortunately, far too many on the right – think man is basically good. We’re all “sinners,” most agree, but “deep down inside, we are all basically good people.” This view of humanity is aptly called Pelagianism (or Semi-Pelagianism). Interestingly enough, it was the most condemned heresy in Church history. (Not anymore; sadly, we openly embrace it in our churches across America today.) What follows from such empty thinking (Colossians 2:8) in our foreign affairs is the idea that if we just reason with these people (Osama, Hitler) then we will all come to an understanding with each other and can broker peace. Incidently, this is the same approach taken by liberal bureaucrats towards hardened criminals in our prisons. ("They can change" they say with their Oprah worldview. “Impossible!” I say, that is, unless God chooses to do a miraculous work in them.)

Oh, how foolish this approach to evil is! Chamberlain took such an appeasement approach with Hitler. "Peace for our time" the British Prime Minister glibly proclaimed back in 1938. Hitler just smiled and kept on trucking across Europe. Instead of less men dying to stop the German machine by taking proactive steps against the threat, our Allied hesitations, later on led to many more soldiers dying in WWII. (FYI: Almost 10,000 American soldiers died on the beaches of Normandy in one day. Around 3,500 American soldiers have died at this point in the 4 1/2 years of fighting in Iraq.)

I'm afraid we are repeating history. It looks like we are now living in the fall of 1938, as our leaders and media elite continue to ask for one more dance with the devil.

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Friday, July 13, 2007

One Nation Under Gods?

Thursday was yet another watershed moment in American history. Increasingly, we are becoming a society that is not one nation under God, but rather one nation under many gods. Today, the Democrat-led Senate formally promoted this “new and improved” view for us to embrace as a nation by allowing a Hindu prayer to be spoken before the Senate chamber. This is yet another first in American history!

Let’s ask ourselves what kind of society a Christian understanding of the way the world actually is produces, and the kind of societies produced by a pantheistic belief system. According to Hinduism, you are as valuable as a mosquito. According to Hinduism, you are God. But then again, so is the mosquito. Good; evil; Mother Teresa; Osama Bin Laden; kite flying; abortion: all morally neutral according to Hinduism. In fact, according to some Hindui beliefs, everything is an illusion. What kind of society will result from that kind of thinking?

Embracing today’s politically correct definition of “tolerance” and “diversity” will never unite us. Common sense dictates that there is either one God or many gods. And those beliefs have consequences in how we live as a society. We must all pick sides – every one of us! Be united with truth, or be united to a lie. Choose this day who you will serve!

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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Pat Sajak shares political views

Here’s a rare scene: a Hollywood star sharing conservative values. It’s hard hearing him talk like this – not because I disagree with him, but because I’m so use to hearing him just being a “nice guy” and just doing the "small talk" thing with his guests.
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Friday, July 06, 2007

Has the church crossed the line?

Here’s an editorial by Jim Smith of Florida Baptist Witness as he offers his answer to the question: Did Christian churches and media outlets cross the line in their promotion of Evan Almighty?

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Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Poll findings depart so far from reality it’s laughable

For propaganda to be effective it needs to stay fairly subtle as it slides the bar in the direction the manipulative promulgators want people to go. Here’s an example of the MSM trying to tell conservatives what’s important to them. But it’s obvious they go way too far in mischaracterizing reality. Note to MSM: Subtle! Subtle! You’re forgetting the effective tactics of your friend the devil. Remember, your costume is that of an angel of light, not a costume with horns and a pitch fork!”

If you consider yourself a Republican, read this so-called “survey of Republicans” and ask if you find yourself holding to these so-called “majority opinions.”

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Hollywood and God Roe IQ Test