Saturday, April 26, 2008

Global Warming: Don’t Believe The Hype

Thomas Malthus continues influencing world history despite the fact he has been dead for over 170 years. Besides giving rationale for the rise of Communism and Darwinism, his ideas continue to be used by today’s political elite to arouse hysteria of worldwide cataclysmic scenarios in order to justify the advance of their radical, socialistic agendas.

When we forget history, we inevitably repeat it:

Malthus continues to have considerable influence to this day. One famous recent example of this is Paul R. Ehrlich, author of The Population Bomb. Ehrlich predicted, in the late 1960s, that hundreds of millions would die from a coming overpopulation crisis in the 1970s, and that by 1980 life expectancy in the United States would be only 42 years. Other famous examples are the 1972 book The Limits to Growth from the self-styled Club of Rome, and the Global 2000 report to the then President of the United States of America Jimmy Carter. Science fiction author Isaac Asimov issued many appeals for population control reflecting the perspective articulated by people from Thomas Malthus through Paul R. Ehrlich.
As someone who has creditials in this field, let me tell you that so-called Global Warming is just the latest hysteria that simply serves as a Trojan Horse to fulfill a leftist, socialist agenda in this country and around the world. You know the saying, “If you burn me once, shame on you, if you burn me twice, shame on me." This goes for you too. So, don’t believe the hype!

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Friday, April 18, 2008

High School Students Counter Pro-Gay Day

The Alliance Defense Fund reports that The Day of Truth (April 28th, 2008) will be designed to counter the pro-gay event known as “The Day of Silence” (April 25th, 2008).

Watch a short video about it here.

To learn more, go to:

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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Top War Correspondent Releases New Book on Iraq

Michael Yon’s new book Moments of Truth In Iraq has just been released. Check it out.

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Saturday, April 12, 2008

Pro-gay “Day of Silence” in U.S. Schools

This was reported in an email by

Homosexual Day of Silence - Is Your Child's School on the list?

Because of the action of concerned parents, hundreds of schools have removed their school as a listed participant in the pro-homosexual "Day of Silence." You can join the fight for your children too!

On, Friday, April 25, several thousand schools across the nation will be observing "Day of Silence (DOS)." DOS is a nationwide push to promote the homosexual lifestyle in public schools.

When AFA alerted parents of this public school classroom disruption by homosexual student activists, many took action immediately! If you haven't gotten involved, it's critical that you do so today!

A simple phone call or letter to school administrators, telling them your child will not attend school the day it observes DOS, may be enough to cause some participating schools to change their plans. Sample letter here.

Please listen to a 60-second radio ad warning parents about Day of Silence, then forward this email to your local Christian or conservative radio station. Ask them to broadcast it as a Public Service Announcement (PSA)! MP3 file or WAV file

Click here for Frequently Asked Questions about the Day of Silence.

In the past week alone, over 200 schools have announced they are dropping plans to participate. Please, get involved for the sake or your children, and all children, today!

Take Action!

What should parents do? Check with your local school principal to see if your child's school will be participating in DOS. If the school is participating, notify other parents about DOS and ask them to join in keeping their children out of school on that day.

Here is a partial list of schools which are expected to participate in DOS: If your school is listed, call your local school and ascertain whether they officially or passively allow students to observe "Day of Silence." If your school is listed, please double-check with your local school to see if the school is actually sponsoring DOS. Sometimes the "participation" turns out to be a handful of kids who are saying they have a homosexual club and are observing this protest day, but without school endorsement. We sincerely hope your school, if listed, is not actually an official sponsor. If it is not, we will take them off the list, if a school official asks us to do so. Please e-mail your correction to

Some tips:

1. Be sure of the date that DOS is planned for your school. (The national date is April 25, but some schools observe DOS on a different date.)
2. Inform the school of your intention to keep your child home on that date and explain why. Click here for a sample letter.
3. Explain to your children why you're taking a stand: Homosexual behavior is not an innate identity; it is a sinful, unnatural and destructive behavior. No school should advance a physically, emotionally, and spiritually destructive sexual lifestyle to students.
4. Schools do not have to tolerate students remaining silent in class. Schools can adopt policies that require parental consent for students to attend any club, including those premised on sexual orientation or gender identity. Click here for more information from Attorney Mat Staver with Liberty Counsel who provides free information to parents, students, and schools regarding their rights associated with noncompliance on the Day of Silence.

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Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Dobson Recommends The Movie, Expelled

Listen to this Focus on the Family broadcast where they expose the truth in the debate over the origins of life.

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Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Planned Parenthood Kills Record Number

According to "A record 289,650 preborn babies were killed at Planned Parenthood clinics in fiscal year 2006-07, an increase of nearly 25,000 from 2005-06. The nation's largest abortion provider, which received $336 million in taxpayer money last year, is responsible for 25 percent of all abortions in the U.S."

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Hollywood and God Roe IQ Test