Mitt Romney is the only true conservative left in the race.

What are Christians saying about Mitt?
For Further Study:
- Book: A Mormon In The White House? by Hugh Hewitt
Labels: Mitt Romney, politics, presidential race
Truth, by its very nature, divides. It also unites. therefore, Pick your side: unite around truth or unite around lies. | Informing, Equipping & Encouraging the Church towards Unity in Action. | “In the essentials, unity. In the non-essentials, liberty. And in all things, charity.” – Saint Augustine
Labels: Mitt Romney, politics, presidential race
John McCain Endorsements:
Mitt Romney Endorsements:
Dr. Wayne Grudem:
"'Romney’s positions on social, economic, and international issues are all soundly conservative. On major issues such as protection of the unborn, a Constitutional amendment to protect marriage, strong national defense and victory against radical Islamic terrorists, securing our border, a signed pledge of no tax increases, promoting school choice, and appointment of Supreme Court justices who will interpret law, not make new law, Romney holds solidly conservative positions. His positions are the ones the majority of evangelicals have supported in the past.'" (Evangelicals Rally to Romney to Stop Giuliani Monday, October 22, 2007 10:28 AM)
Labels: McCain, Mitt Romney, politics, presidential race
The recent announcement that scientists have successfully discovered an embryo-free way to produce genetically matched stem cells will be considered, as Charles Krauthammer writes in the Washington Post, “one of the great scientific breakthroughs since the discovery of DNA.” History will also regard this watershed event as a total vindication of President Bush for his strong opposition to ESCR (Embryonic Stem Cell Research) despite intense pressure from the cloning industry, the media, and political foes brought about by a highly funded campaign of suppression and deception.
Just like with the Vietnam War in the late 60's and early 70's, the Democrats have always tried to paint the dimmest of pictures regarding the war in Iraq. This emphasis served nothing more than a political smoke screen. The liberals will try anything to distract people from the central issues facing our nation. In a rare glimmer of the truth by the MSM, Tom Foreman reveals this fact in an article posted today on
Iraq is certainly not at peace, but it is undeniably much more peaceful than it was. And Democrats, it appears, desperately hope that American voters will not notice. Because if voters accept that Iraq is improving, perhaps they will no longer accept the idea that the Republicans need to be driven out of Washington.And if the Holocaust of legal murder known as abortion is going to be stopped, it will only come through the appointment of Supreme Court justices by a Republican president.
Labels: Democrats, Iraq War, politics, war on Islamo-facism