Rudy, “The Equivocator”?

Labels: Abortion, law, politics, presidential race, the Culture Wars
Truth, by its very nature, divides. It also unites. therefore, Pick your side: unite around truth or unite around lies. | Informing, Equipping & Encouraging the Church towards Unity in Action. | “In the essentials, unity. In the non-essentials, liberty. And in all things, charity.” – Saint Augustine
Labels: Abortion, law, politics, presidential race, the Culture Wars
Labels: entertainment, movies
Labels: the Culture Wars
Labels: foreign affairs, Iraq War, war on Islamo-facism
Labels: gay agenda, homosexuality, politics, presidential race, same-sex marriage, the Culture Wars
Labels: Abortion, social action
Labels: entertainment, movies
Labels: Abortion, politics, presidential race
In a recent propaganda piece in the New York Times entitled “The Evangelical Crackup,” the left-leaning MSM can be seen once again waging their subtle campaign of divide-and-conquer as they “reach out” to their sworn enemies – the Church. In this piece, as elsewhere, they try to convince Christians that our cause is losing momentum. Under girding this article is the consistent talking point of the left, that being, “We might as well give up. It’s a hopeless cause.”
“The winner, Frank Page of First Baptist Church in Taylors, S.C., campaigned on a promise to loosen up the conservatives’ tight control. He told convention delegates that Southern Baptists had become known too much for what they were against (abortion, evolution, homosexuality) instead of what they stand for (the Gospel).”Ahhh! Maybe they got something here! Who wants to be negative? Right? Not me? Maybe I need to put down the banner of the anti-abortion movement (negative), and pick up the banner of global-warming (positive). Yeah! And maybe I need to put down the flag of the anti-gay movement (negative), and pick up the flag of civil rights for everyone! Hey, that’s positive! Yeah! Maybe now I’m seeing the light!!
Labels: mainstream media, media bias, MSM