Truth, by its very nature, divides. It also unites. therefore, Pick your side: unite around truth or unite around lies. | Informing, Equipping & Encouraging the Church towards Unity in Action. | “In the essentials, unity. In the non-essentials, liberty. And in all things, charity.” – Saint Augustine
“When it comes to issues such as the exclusivity of the gospel, the identity of Jesus Christ as both fully human and fully divine, the authoritative character of Scripture as written revelation, and the clear teachings of Scripture concerning issues such as homosexuality, this movement simply refuses to answer the questions.” Read more in an article entitled: “‘A Generous Orthodoxy’--Is It Orthodox?”
“For almost everyone within the movement, this works out in an emphasis on feelings and affections over against linear thought and rationalities; on experience over against truth; on inclusion over against exclusion…”Mohler goes on to quote Carson as saying:
"I have to say, as kindly but as forcefully as I can, that to my mind, if words mean anything, both McLaren and Chalke have largely abandoned the Gospel," Carson laments. "Perhaps their rhetoric and enthusiasm have led them astray and they will prove willing to reconsider the published judgments on these matters and embrace biblical truth more holistically than they have been doing in their most recent works. But if not, I cannot see how their own words constitute anything less than a drift toward abandoning the Gospel itself."Al Mohler writes of D.A. Carson’s new book Becoming Conversant with the Emerging Church:
“Carson's book makes for mandatory reading--at least for all those who are concerned about the Emerging Church and the future of evangelical Christianity. He combines a charity of spirit with clarity of thought. If anything, Carson demonstrates an honest attempt to understand the Emerging Church Movement on its own terms. Yet, in the final analysis, Carson sounds an alarm.”Here’s an excerpt from Carson’s book.
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How does the Body of Christ stay united when we disagree with each other? This sermon provides the answer.
Sermon: Grace for a Broken-hearted Sinner
From the Series: Jesus Full of Truth and Grace
Bold Testimony
Series: How the Church was Built
Bob Russell leads Southeast Christian Church of Louisville, KY. With an average of 20,000 attendees every weekend, SCC is one of the largest churches in America.
The Supreme Court decides against the 10 Commandments.
Based on the opinion of five of the nine judges, the highest court in the land decided Kentucky’s public display of the Ten Commandments is no longer constitutional. Listen to a special radio broadcast on this serious issue regarding religious liberty. *
A Great Message from Dr. Joe Stowell, President of Moody Bible Institute
Religious Intolerance at the Air Force Academy
Some members of Congress believe that Christian cadets at the Air Force Academy have been too bold in sharing their faith. Today, Congressman John Hostettler talks about how he has defended the Academy against these baseless allegations from his fellow Congressmen. Click here to listen. *
U.S. District Judge Blanche Manning has ruled that the Pentagon can no longer sponsor a Boy Scout jamboree held every four years because they openly promote the idea that God exists. According to the judge, this violates the rendered view of "separation of church of state."
“If you think this is an exaggeration, consider what Justice Sandra Day O’Connor wrote in her dissent against the majority’s opinion. Justice O’Connor wrote, “Any property may now be taken for the benefit of another private party.”
“Churches located in prime areas should be especially
concerned about the long-term implications of this ruling because they are tax-exempt, meaning they render little benefit to government revenues compared with businesses or residential developments. Not only could local governments justify taking church property in order to bring new jobs into the community and to increase tax revenues, they may now be able to justify preventing churches from buying property in areas that would otherwise be prime residential or business property.”
According to a Gallup Poll, a majority of regular churchgoers say the choice for the next justice matters a great deal to them. Read more.
WorldNetDaily reported that J. Matt Barber, formerly a manager of Allstate's Corporate Security Division, was fired February 3 for his Christian beliefs. Read more.
-- Citizenlink
-- Citizenlink by Kim Trobee, correspondent
The following is a short email* to the Executive Producer of the Today Show:
-- Citizenlink